Sage is a heart-centered facilitator who guides people back to themselves. Their work centers on fertility, sex, death, and the magick of transformation(s). The threads of their work connect at the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality; meditation, grief, and loss; breath, energy, and plants.Jovan

Sage is a Death Midwife, Grief Doula, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Advocate. Sage’s Circle is their embodied healing practice holding their experiences, education, and calling. Their calling shows up in helping people plan for their death, educating people on the process of dying, and empowering people to take responsibility for their death (and in turn their life). Their calling is asks them to use their creativity, space-holding, and energy work to create opportunities for communities to navigate grief and the fear of dying. Sage’s practice is trauma-informed, anti-racist, queer and trans-affirming.


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