Connect & Cultivate

with Bloom Local

Learn about our Partner Program…

Here’s a bit about us:

Bloom Local is your homegrown haven, cultivating and connecting businesses and nonprofits that are dedicated to serving the LGBTQIA+ community.

Since 2021, we've been cultivating dynamic spaces right here in the River Valley of Western Mass, where LGBTQIA+ creators, supporters, and organizations can deepen connections with one another and the greater community.

Our mission: unite locals with LGBTQIA+-friendly businesses and organizations, nurturing a community where a culture of support blooms.

Explore our cross-promotional partnership program:

  • We showcase our partners and connect community members to the LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurial ecosystem of our region via our signature Community Guide.

  • We co-curate and circulate seasonal and special-interest gift guides that feature our partners’ products and services.

  • Partners gain access to a private barter offer board, bi-monthly resource-rich email updates, occasional event and exclusive community discounts and more.

Benefits of partnership:

Click the “+” to the right of each heading to expand the section.

  • Your listing in the Community Guide is a dedicated webpage featuring your business/org connecting you to local audiences and potential clients/customers.

    We include descriptive language and images along with all relevant details and crucial referral links.

  • We regularly co-curate collections of local, queer goods with our Partner community. Add your unique products and services into the mix!

  • We host a private area of our website just for partners where you can trade and barter goods, services, and ideas.

  • Bloom Local Partners receive early access and occasional discounts for events.

What does partnership cost?

Our $50-$300 sliding scale enables us to provide services to individuals and organizations at different stages of growth and/or with varying access to capital.

We ask partners to evaluate where they land on the sliding scale using the helpful The Green Bottle visual aid. A place to indicate your chosen fee level is included on the application form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How did this project get started?

In 2021, we started working collaboratively with our peers in the small business community to develop a digital gift guide and directory of LGBTQIA+-owned and -allied businesses. Today, we continue growing to serve more and more members of our community each month.

Q: Is my business/organization a fit for partnership?

We partner with small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and solopreneurs with specialties and services ranging from arts to small business support and beyond. We welcome 2SLGBTQ+ folks from all specialities and active allies to apply for partnership.

If you aren’t sure, and would like to be able to ask questions about the program, please contact us.

We’re proud to call these partners community!

We are proud to support these small businesses, solopreneurs, and nonprofit organizations through our partner program.

Ready to Bloom?