Event Calendar

Upcoming Events in Western Massachusetts

from Bloom Local’s Partner Network

Filtering by: “Northampton MA”
Tongues Untied

Tongues Untied

Tongues Untied will transform the A.P.E. Ltd. Gallery into an amplifier for genderqueer and trans community voices. You’re invited to take up space and join in freedom songs, breathing exercises, interactive storytelling and other forms of call and response that provide relief to our bodies and vitality to our spirits.

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Tiny Humans, Big Emotions: A Conversation for Caretakers of Toddlers & Preschoolers

Tiny Humans, Big Emotions: A Conversation for Caretakers of Toddlers & Preschoolers

  • Northampton Parents Center (rear-entry basement of Edwards Church) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If you have a very young human in your world with capital-F Feelings, you won't want to miss this lively upcoming workshop: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions: A Conversation for Caretakers of Toddlers & Preschoolers.

Held in collaboration with the Northampton Parents Center at their space on Sunday, September 15, 3pm-4:30pm, High Five Books is excited to host expert Lauren Stauble, M.S, a researcher and teacher and the local co-author of TINY HUMANS, BIG EMOTIONS: HOW TO NAVIGATE TANTRUMS, MELTDOWNS, AND DEFIANCE TO RAISE EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT CHILDREN.

At this event, Lauren will lead a workshop about the specific transition needs families face this season: "The middle of September is about the time when the honeymoon period starts to end in new classrooms and caregiving relationships," she says. "As parents and teachers, we start to feel disequilibrium about the challenges that emerge related to behavior. "It's a great time to learn and practice strategies (for children *and* for adults) that interrupt—even prevent—the reinforcement of negative behavior and thinking patterns, and alternatively promote healing!" Supervised in-room kids' activities will be provided.

Participation is FREE, but please RSVP to the Facebook event, linked below.

Click/tap the button below for more information!

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